Our clients

We are pleased to have worked with small businesses and on projects led by amazing people, helping them communicate their essence and positive impact in the world.




Here you can see some of our work.

Volátil Joyería

Artesanal jewellery

By Miryam Montesdeoca

Barcelona, Spain

Cantero Architecture

Architecture office

By Inma Cantero

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Midi Ceramics

Artisanal ceramics

By Sophie Voirol


Olga Muxart

Artisanal jewelry and ceramics

By Olga Muxart

Girona and Barcelona, Spain

Lauf & Therapie

Running therapy 

By Susanne Schuster

Meinersen, Germany

SOHO art design

Artisanal ceramics, lighting and furniture

By Gloria Miralbell and Paco Pérez

Gran Canaria, Spain

Carol Boneto

Artisanal ceramics: jewellery and interior decor

By Carolina Boned

Ibiza, Spain

Sally-Ann Mather

Multidisciplinary artist: painting, sculpture, …

By Sally-Ann Mather


Mireia Tramunt

Multidisciplinary artist: live painting, photography, tattoo

By Mireia Tramunt, 

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


Working with Lucie and Alba has been wonderful. It has allowed my brand to grow and they have given it the necessary foundation for the future. I was able to trust them to express and organise my work. Always by my side, I felt very supported and cared for.


It was very easy to work together, we worked remotely and the meetings were very professional and friendly. The sensitivity they have and the love with which they carry out and are involved in the project is fantastic and it allows for a lot of peace of mind.


Without a doubt, this was the best decision for me and I am very grateful for the love they have for my project.

Miryam Montesdeoca

Volátil Joyería